How To Turn On Flashlight Using Harry Potter’s Spell “Lumos” On iOS and Android 2023


If you've ever read any of J.Rowling's Harry Potter book series or at least seen of of the Harry Potter movies, you would confess that the Harry Potter movies and books are not only enticing and fascinating, the magical spells being used by the wizards and witches there are quite amusing.

Every true Harry Potter fan must have tried to use some of the spells and pretend that they work. Yeah, we know they don't work, but we still pretend like it works, for the fun of it. It boosts our ego and creates this fantasy in our head that makes us feel like we are students learning in a wizardry school. I guess that's why they call us "Potter heads".

Well, cheer up! Potter heads, Most of our fantasies and illusions are quite true. You can now use Harry Potter spells like "Lumos", "Nox","Accio" and "Silencio" to command your Android devices or iOS to perform some certain functions like turning on the Flashlight, finding things, silencing your device, e.t.c.

In this article, I will be teaching Potter heads and other fascinated users of Android devices and iOS how they can use Harry Potter's magic word, "Lumos" to turn on the flash light of their devices.

How To Turn On/Off The Flashlight Of Your Android Using Google Assistant

One of the best features of Android devices is the Virtual Assistant called Google Assistant. Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence program in Android devices that helps users to perform functions easier and faster on their devices by simply dishing out commands with their voice.

Google Assistant is very familiar with some words that you don't need to say anything else before it gives you what you want. One of those words that is familiar to Google Assistant is the popular Harry Potter magic spell, "Lumos".

If you are interested in knowing how to use Lumos to switch on your Flashlight, then you need to follow these easy steps.

1. Switch On your Android devices

2. Enable internet connection

3. Go to Google Assistant or say "hey Google"

4. Say the word "Lumos" or "Lumos Maxima"

Viola! Your flash lights are On!

Now if you want to switch off your flash lights on your Android devices with the magic spell, "Nox" , the steps are pretty much the same but her are the easy steps you should follow;

1. Switch On your Android devices

2. Enable internet connection

3. Go to Google Assistant or say "hey Google"

Say the word "Nox"

And there you go, your flash lights are now switched off.

How To Turn On/Off Your Flashlight Of Your iOS Using Siri

Just like Android devices,you can also use Harry Potter's Magic spell, Lumos to switch on the Flashlights of your iOS devices using Siri, an Artificial intelligence program made by Apple Inc. to help  and assist users perform functions on their devices. Siri can be summoned and assigned functions to perform just by using your voice.

If you use any  iOS device, you can follow the few steps below to use the magic spell.

1. Turn on your iOS device

2. Enable internet connection on your device

3. Press and hold the side button  of your iphone or simply say the word " hey Siri"

4. Say the word "Lumos"

There you go, you're now a magician!

If you want to turn off the flash lights, you can also use a spell, Nox. Follow these few steps to turn off your Flashlight using a magic spell;

1. Turn on your iOS device

2. Enable internet connection on your device

3. Press and hold the side button of your iphone or simply say the word " hey Siri"

4. Say the word "Lumos"

Yeah, you did it!

Other Harry Potter Spells That Work On Android and iOS

Just like "Lumos" and "Nox", there are other Harry Potter spells that work on Android and iOS devices, they are Accio and Silencio.

In this section, I will highlight some few steps that you can follow if you're interested in using those spells.


This spell was often used in Harry Potter to find missing objects, it's one of my favorite spells.

Have you ever tried to find something on your phone but you just can't find it?.

That's where this Spell comes in handy, you can use this spell to find any item or App you want on your Android and iOS devices.

Using this Spell is as simple as using the Lumos and Nox spell. All you need to do is to summon your Google Assistant or Siri or say "hey Siri" or "hey Google" then you use the spell. For example if you want to find your Facebook app on your phone, you say "hey Siri" followed by and then you say "Accio Facebook". That's all, your Facebook app will be opened.

Amazing, right?.


This spell literally means Silence. It was used countless times in Harry Potter by Wizards and Witches to silence their Victims and Pets to stop them from making noise.

Have you ever been in a meeting and your phone kept drawing unnecessary attention to you with its frequent alerts and ringtones coming from calls and Notifications?. At that point, Harry Potter's magic spell 'Silencio' could have helped you if you knew it.

Using Silencio to put your device in silent mode is quite relieving in embarrassing cases like that.

Just like other spells, you can mute your phone using the spell, all you need to do is first summon Siri or Google Assistant using "hey Siri" or "hey Google" then you use the magic word, "Silencio". That's it, your device is now mute and will constitute zero disturbance for as long as you want it to.


Siri and Google Assistant are Artificial intelligence that serves as Virtual Assistants to users of iOS and Android devices. They make work faster and easier for users by simply taking orders to perform certain functions for the users.

Lumos, Nox, Silencio and Accio are magic spells from the Harry Potter book series and movies; they are words that are very familiar to Siri and Google Assistant. You can use those words to perform some functions and they work like magic.

This Article has sufficiently covered how to turn on and turn off the Flashlights of your Android and iOS devices with the magic spell, "Lumos" and how to use other spells to perform other actions.

Also Read: The 10 Best Screen Recorders for Windows PCs – Free and Paid

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